+ What is it?

Songscape is an exciting vocal performance celebrating some of Portsmouth Music Hub's favourite songs from their award-winning song book. Songscape is targeted at pupils in KS2 atthe New Theatre Royal on **11 July 2024**.

+ When is it?

The performance will take place on Thursday 11 July 2024 at 6.30pm at the New Theatre Royal

+ What will schools have to do?

  • Attend the twilight session on Thursday 8 February at 4:30pm on Zoom.
  • Teach the songs prior to the first in-school joint rehearsal in the week commencing 17 June.
  • Attend in-school joint rehearsal the week commencing 1 July - children will be expected to know all words and actions from memory at this session.
  • Attend rehearsal at the New Theatre Royal on the day of the performance. Times will be confirmed based on which choir your school is allocated to.
  • Ensure that only children with photo and video consent are filmed as the final performance will be shared on social media.

+ What do we wear?

  • Portsmouth Music Hub T-Shirt to be provided by Portsmouth Music Hub
  • Black or grey trousers or skirts.
  • Black schools shoes - no trainers

+ Tickets

  • Tickets for this concert will be available to purchase through the Music Hub in advance. Tickets purchased in advance are £9.50 per ticket including a ticket levy charged by the venue.
  • Please also find below a template parent letter detailing information about tickets and a booking slip. This is a template, which we recommend you adapt to detail your own school deadline for parents and your preferred payment process.
  • Please collate all replies and let us know the number of tickets your school requires, via email, by 10 June.
  • Once ordered, the Music Hub will arrange for an internal journal transfer or invoice to be raised to each school for the tickets, to reduce cash handling. Tickets will be distributed to schools during the week commencing 17 June.
  • Please note that tickets will be available to purchase, direct from the New Theatre Royal from 13th June onwards including the evening of the performance but will be subject to additional booking fees.