Remissions Policy
Following the government’s decision to improve access for looked after children and those who are entitled to free school meals, schools have a statutory responsibility to ensure no child is disadvantaged.
Cost should never be the barrier to a child who wants to learn music.
The Music Hub can arrange payment plans, and also provide subsidies for those families on income support.
Portsmouth Music Hub has a range of remissions and payment plans for those who are eligible.
Remissions can be applied to the following activities:
Instrumental/Vocal Tuition
Instrumental Hire
In-school Instrumental Tuition
Instrumental tuition is provided by Portsmouth Music Service as part of the Service Level Agreement with schools.
For students receiving instrumental tuition in school, it is the responsibility of individual schools to ensure a remissions policy is in place to provide access to in-school instrumental tuition.
Individual schools buy a teaching service from Portsmouth Music Service and set a locally agreed cost to parents in consultation with their governors and as such, subsumes the responsibility for remissions.
Music Centre Instrumental Tuition and Instrument Hire
Children in Care (Looked After Children - LAC) will receive remissions for all activities at 100%. There is no direct funding for this from Portsmouth City Council, and Portsmouth Music Service will seek funding/ sponsorship to ensure that LAC can receive free instrumental/vocal learning and instrument hire. Applications should be made via the Music Service Office.
For students receiving instrumental or vocal tuition through Music Centre Lessons and/or Instrument Hire direct from the Music Service, remissions can be applied to fees if families meet one of the following criteria below.
Portsmouth Music Service requires evidence to confirm eligibility for any remissions applied for.
On receipt of appropriate evidence to support the following criteria, Portsmouth Music Hub, in partnership with the Music Service will confirm remissions at a maximum of 50%.
Evidence of child in receipt of Free School Meals
Income Support
Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance
Income related Employment and Support Allowance
Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (provided you are not eligible for Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, as assessed by HM Revenues & Customs, that does not exceed 316,190)
If you are supported under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Working Tax Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more that £7,400 (£616.67 per month), as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods)
How to apply for remission of fees?
Families wishing to apply for remissions are asked to complete our remissions application form.
When you have completed and submitted the form, one of our team will be in touch to confirm your submission and request the necessary evidence.
What evidence will I need to provide?
If you are not able to complete or online forms, we can send you a paper applications. Please phone our team on 02392375655 to request your paper application.
Paper applications should be complete and returned to:
Portsmouth Music Hub c/o Paulsgrove Community Centre Marsden Road Portsmouth PO6 4JB
Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme
The Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme (AIPS) enables students of local authority and academy schools to purchase musical instruments through their school net of VAT providing the sale to the student meets the criteria below:
The instrument or item must be sold to the local authority or school and then supplied onto the student or their guardian;
The student must be receiving state education;
The instrument must be used as part of their musical tuition;
The instrument must be appropriate to the student’s needs; and
The price charged to the student for the purchase of the instrument must be at or below cost (please see VATGPB7815 for a definition).
For more information please contact your child’s school directly. For full details visit: https://www.gov.uk/hmrc-internal-manuals/vat-government-and-public-bodies/vatgpb7825