University Students Entertain Local Schools

Portsmouth University performed a concert for hundreds of local children at the New Theatre Royal on Wednesday 8 March.

The University students were there for a week to rehearse for a public performance of Gilbert & Sullivan's 'Pirates of Penzance', but the students decided to give up an afternoon of rehearsals to invite local schools along to experience live music. The University musicians performed Gilbert and Sullivan's famous songs 'Modern Major General and 'A Policeman's Lot', but knowing their young audience well, the University students went on to perform music from Doctor Who and the children's firm favourite the 'Frozen' medley.

Sue Beckett, CEO of Portsmouth Music Hub, said: "It was a wonderful event and we're very grateful to Portsmouth University students, who gave so many children the chance to experience the sights and sounds of live performance. Children react so positively to seeing enthusiastic and engaging musicians and singers, it fires up their imagination and we hope it will encourage them to go on attending concerts and events as they grow older."


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